Virus & Malware

What is Stalkerware and How to Remove it [Tips & Guide]

What is Stalkerware and How to Remove it [Tips & Guide]

Among the most common types of malware, there is another that is often referred to as "stalkerware." This type of malware is designed to track your phone and monitor your activities. Stalkerware has been used by stalkers and abusers, but is also being used by employers to spy on their employees. Track your movements Identifying and removing Stalkerware from your device can be tricky. It can be a very scary experience, especially if you are not used to handling malware. Luckily, there are a number of organizations and advocates that offer support and training. The Coalition Against Stalkerware is one…
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What is Malvertising? Complete Guide

What is Malvertising? Complete Guide

Generally speaking, Malvertising refers to the practice of placing ads on the Internet that are not government-approved. For example, these ads can contain products or treatments that are not approved for medical use. They can also include unpatched vulnerabilities in web browsers and browser plug-ins. Ad malware Typically, ad malware is disguised as a legitimate software download. Ads are embedded in images and JavaScript. The malware can be injected by hackers or hidden in the creative. Malvertising is a relatively new form of malicious software. It targets websites and online users using legitimate platforms. It has been used to infect…
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What is Browser Hijacking?

What is Browser Hijacking?

Generally speaking, Browser hijacking is a type of unwanted software which changes the settings of your web browser without your permission. It also may replace your homepage or search engine, and redirect your traffic to ad-heavy websites. Remove suspicious toolbars and extensions Usually, when a browser is hijacked, it results in unwanted changes in the home page, default search engine and other settings. It also causes a slowdown in system performance. Some hijackers may also redirect users to unfamiliar sites. This can cause system instability and identity theft. If you suspect that your browser has been hijacked, you may want…
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Defending Against Typosquatting – What is Typosquatting?

Defending Against Typosquatting – What is Typosquatting?

Defending against typosquatting is an important topic for those who use the Internet. It involves a number of different issues. It is also an issue that can cause cybercrime, so it's important to understand what it is and how to avoid it. Cybercrime Buying domains with typos or misspellings is a form of cybercrime called typosquatting. These domains are used to host ads or to conduct phishing campaigns. Having a typosquatting domain may also be used to redirect users to sites that require login credentials, such as online banking sites. These sites may also host malware or advertising content that…
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What is Clickjacking? What you Should Know

What is Clickjacking? What you Should Know

Using clickjacking is a malicious technique that can be used to gain access to your computer. It is an attack that uses different methods to trick you into clicking on an object that is not what you expected it to be. It can also allow someone to gain control of your computer and access private information. Reverse Tabnabbing Despite its tamer name, the reverse tabnabbing (or RT) acronym is actually a legitimate method of phishing that entails placing a fake website inside a legitimate one, with the intention of redirecting the user to the real thing. If performed on a…
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How to Spot a Virus Hoax and What you Should Know

How to Spot a Virus Hoax and What you Should Know

Virus hoax is an e-mail message that warns you about a nonexistent computer virus. It usually comes in the form of a chain e-mail or pop-up window. The recipient is instructed to forward the message to everyone they know. Detecting a Virus hoax Virus hoaxes are fake virus alerts that claim to be legitimate. They usually spread through emails, social media, or messenger platforms. While some of these viruses are harmless, others may be a serious threat to your system. It is important to know how to spot a virus hoax before it can damage your computer. Hoax alerts are…
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What is Cryptovirology? Complete Guide

What is Cryptovirology? Complete Guide

Traditionally, cryptography has been used to protect people's privacy and security. However, with the growing prevalence of cyber crime and hackers, cryptography is now being used to develop powerful malware, asymmetric backdoors, and other forms of malicious software. Cryptovirology, as its name suggests, is the study of how cryptography can be used to create malware. NSA orchestrated a kleptographic attack on users of the Dual EC DRBG pseudorandom number generation algorithm NSA allegedly installed a back door in the Dual EC DRBG pseudorandom number generation algorithm, according to a New York Times story. The paper linked the back door to…
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What is Crimeware? Complete Guide

What is Crimeware? Complete Guide

Generally, when we talk about crimeware, we are referring to malware that is used to automate cybercrime. These types of malware include things like Adware, Grayware, Ransomware, and Man-in-the-browser attacks. While it may seem like an obvious definition, you need to know exactly what crimeware is before you can effectively defend yourself. Grayware Typically, grayware is software that falls into a gray area between legitimate software and malware. These programs can be used for legal or illegal activities, such as downloading illegal files and stealing user data. However, grayware is not as destructive as traditional malware. Nonetheless, it can still…
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What is Virus and Worms? Complete Guide

What is Virus and Worms? Complete Guide

Virus and worms are computer programs that spread through computers and networks without the user's knowledge. Viruses are programs that spread by self-replicating without the help of a human, whereas worms are programs that spread by masked with attachments. WannaCry ransomware is a hybrid of ransomware and a worm Known for its fast spread and encryption capabilities, the WannaCry ransomware spreads by exploiting a flaw in the SMB protocol, which enables communication between Windows machines on a network. The infection aims to access a hard-coded URL known as a kill switch. If the domain is reached, the infection shuts itself…
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What is a Computer Worm? Explained!

What is a Computer Worm? Explained!

Getting your computer infected with a worm can be very risky, but there are ways to protect yourself. There are a few things you should know about computer worms, and the best way to protect yourself from them is to use antivirus software. These types of programs will not only help protect you from worms, but they will also keep you safe from other types of computer viruses. NotPetya During the summer of 2017, a computer worm known as NotPetya was spotted in Ukraine. It spread across Europe and Asia, destroying businesses and crippling government systems. In February 2018, several…
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