
What is a Domain Generation Algorithm?

What is a Domain Generation Algorithm?

Basically, a Domain Generation Algorithm is a computer program that is used to generate unique domain names for websites. There are several different types of DGAs, including dictionary and character-based algorithms. This article will examine both types, as well as some of the common malware campaigns that use DGAs. LSTM-CapsNet LSTM-CapsNet Domain generation algorithm combines the accuracy of a CNN with the speed of a CNN. The model is faster in making predictions, which can help detect DGA domains in real-time. In recent years, cyberattacks have increased due to the use of command and control (C&C) servers. These servers hide…
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What is a DNS Server? Explained!

What is a DNS Server? Explained!

DNS resolver Whenever a computer wants to access a certain website, it needs to query a Domain Name System (DNS) resolver. The DNS resolver is a software service that runs on any computer. This is a key part of the Internet, because it makes the Internet more transparent. The DNS resolver performs a search on the Domain Name System, which is a database of IP addresses that are updated continuously. The DNS resolver can be operated by an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or by a local network. A DNS resolver may be configured in an operating system, and a number…
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